Is the Passion Gone?

“Business success is most often met where a good idea, passion, and hard work intersect.”

People have a lot of ideas about what creates a successful business. Here’s what I know…

  • Even if you have the best idea in the world, business ownership is an extremely tough mental game,
  • You’ll probably take two steps forward and at least one step back (and that’s before lunch,)
  • Time flies – days turn into weeks, months turn into years and pretty soon you’re 60 wondering where it all went.

So, why in the world would you own a business you aren’t absolutely passionate about? My bet is it didn’t start that way. Once upon a time you WERE passionate about it, but pretty soon setbacks and distractions began to dull the fun and it turned into work. Sounds ominously like the first step toward failure, if you ask me.

But, if the flames of passion for your business have nearly burned out, how do you get it back? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Dream Again – You had a dream in the beginning. What was it? If you didn’t have any limitations, what would the dream look like today? Write it down.
  2. Focus on Now – Define what you love to do every day. Those tasks/projects that excite and inspire you! How do they fulfill the dream?
  3. Know Why – Again, business ownership is hard work so knowing why you love doing what you do, is important. Ask, why is this really important to me? Keep asking “why” until you get to the root answer.
  4. Have a Plan – Just having passion and knowing what you like to do isn’t enough to create a successful business. Create a practical plan that includes both the “must do’s” and “want to do’s” in your business. Without careful planning and disciplined execution, you can easily slip backward.

Are You Ready to Ignite the Passion in Your Business?

If so, we’ve helped hundreds of owners do just that by helping our clients stay energized, connected, and focused. As a result they increased year over year revenues by 14%, and profits by 41% (on average last quarter.)

We’re also proud that our clients stay with us an average of three years even though we don’t have long-term contracts. That’s in part due to their results, but also because we only coach those who are ready to reach much more success quickly.

Don’t look back one day and think, “If only…” Instead, call us today to schedule a 30-minute “Intro” phone meeting. 586-323-5150